October 28, 2024

Naughty Laughs on the Road to Growing Up: 'Good Boys' Scores a Hearty 7

March 28, 2024

When it comes to the raunchy coming-of-age flick 'Good Boys', prepare to squirm, cringe, and above all, laugh uncontrollably. It's a film that plays out like the unruly offspring of 'Superbad' and 'The Goonies', with a healthy dose of vulgarity and sweetness mixed in to keep things interesting. The simplicity of the plot belies a more complex voyage through the minefields of preteen drama and the awkwardness of just trying to figure out how to be cool.

Let's talk about our heroes - or maybe antiheroes, depending on your take - Max, Lucas, and Thor. These twelve-year-olds, while arguably too pure for the shenanigans they get up to, navigate through an adult world they understand only in punchlines and misinterpreted eavesdroppings. The high-stakes mission? A kissing party. The problem? They have about as much experience with girls as with quantum physics. This naive ambitiousness is the movie's beating heart; it's endearing, honest, and utterly comical.

The journey to the party, sparked by the desire to not look like absolute amateurs in front of their peers, derails spectacularly. Good Boys manages to strike a chord with anyone who's experienced the desperation of trying to fit in. The use of Max's father's drone as a misguided Cupid's arrow spells disaster, and the boys' plan to recover it is where the film excels in its ludicrousness.

Now, addressing the elephant in the room: the humor. Let's not mince words - it’s crass, occasionally bordering on obscene. But it doesn't throw punches without cause; there's a cheekiness to it that’s hard not to admire. The boys' naiveté plays as the perfect foil to the explicit gags and foul language, creating a comedic dissonance that's uniquely effective. They speak as if they've swallowed a sailor's dictionary but understand none of it. It’s a daring tightrope walk, but Good Boys manages to traverse it with agility.

But it's not all smooth sailing; the film does indulge a little too much in its slapstick and borders at times on the unimaginative. Some jokes feel recycled from films we've seen in the past, and the novelty wears a tad thin. However, the sheer bravado of throwing these youngsters into chaotic adult scenarios carries a particular charm.

The fabric of their friendship, woven throughout their misadventures, brings us to the crux of its 7/10 rating. Good Boys is as much a story about camaraderie as it is about the jokes. Their bond is put through trials by fire (and in one scene, literally across a busy highway), highlighting that the core of the movie is indeed quite heartfelt.

There's an underlying message here, one about the purity of childhood and the inevitable, sometimes uncomfortable transition to the teenage years. It's a warm blanket of reality that covers the raucous laughter, and when the dust settles, it’s gratifying to find that the film has something salient to say.

As the credits roll, it's clear that 'Good Boys' won't be for everyone. It demands a sturdy sense of humor and the ability to recall the confusion of being twelve. It’s crude, yes, sometimes cheaper than a bargain bin gag gift, yet undeniably funny. You'll find yourself rooting for these clueless adolescents as they make their bumbling way towards maturity. A 7/10 feels just right – good to see, indeed.

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