October 28, 2024

Mulan 2020: The Middle Ground Between Honor and Innovation

March 21, 2024

When diving into a story as classic and adored as "Mulan," it's essential to strike a delicate balance between the cherished elements of the original and the fresh twists of a contemporary retelling. "Mulan 2020" takes on this challenge, and while it doesn't entirely miss the mark, it doesn't quite hit the bullseye either—landing a middle-of-the-road 5 out of 10.

To start with what the film does well, it certainly advances the technical front. Visually, the movie is a feast. The sweeping landscapes and vibrant costumes are breathtaking and do an impressive job of bringing ancient China to life on the big screen. However, visuals alone can't carry the legacy of Mulan.

What made the 1998 animated version a beloved classic wasn't just its stunning animation; it was the heart and soul of the characters, the humor, and the unforgettable soundtrack. The live-action Mulan veers away from the songs and the whimsical elements, aiming for a more serious tone—perhaps too serious. The removal of comic relief characters, like the dragon sidekick Mushu, leaves a void that the film struggles to fill.

The narrative attempts to deepen the warrior's tale with a stronger focus on the cultural and family expectations surrounding Mulan. Nevertheless, it sometimes comes across as heavy-handed in its message, lacking the nuanced touch that gently woven the themes into the original tale. Furthermore, the addition of mystical elements to Mulan's skill set, with chi portrayed as akin to a superpower, undercuts the relatable aspect of her character—the very ordinary girl achieving extraordinary feats through sheer determination, cleverness, and hard work.

In its essence, "Mulan 2020" tries to honor the themes of its predecessor: bravery, loyalty, and the fight against rigid gender roles. It's an okay attempt—not bad by any stretch, but not particularly exceptional either. The film lands exactly in the middle where it's not outright disappointing, yet it doesn't quite capture the essence of what made the original so captivating.

To sum it up, "Mulan 2020" is like a well-cooked dish that's missing a bit of spice—it will satisfy hunger but won't leave a lasting flavor. It's a 5 out of 10 for this retelling of the legend, where despite its ambition, it fails to fully grasp and deliver on the magic of the story that charmed us more than two decades ago. If you seek a visually impressive movie with a nod to the classic, this Mulan might be worth a watch. But if it's the heart and soul of the original that you long for, then you might find this adaptation falling a tad short.

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