October 28, 2024

Halfway to Daylight: Renfield 2023's 'Meh' Adventure

March 17, 2024

"Renfield," the 2023 modern riff on the classic Dracula legend through the eyes of his beleaguered manservant, offers a mixed bag of thrills that align just as unevenly as Renfield's own tug-of-war between servitude and self-discovery.

First off, the film unmistakably scores on the ‘stupid fun’ meter. Embracing its less serious nature, "Renfield" weaves absurdity with the supernatural like a vampire spinning his cape—a spectacle that’s undeniably entertaining. It succeeds in not taking itself too seriously, making goofiness a sturdy ally to the narrative. There are moments that catch you off-guard, and you find yourself chuckling at the madness. You realize you’re experiencing a guilty pleasure of sorts—the classic B-movie scenario where the sheer audacity becomes part of the charm.

Moreover, if expectations are set for straight-up comedic horror, the film delivers a pleasant surprise. The uniqueness of this story is found in the mundane turned macabre, a perspective rarely taken in vampire lore. Renfield's daily drudgeries, usually omitted from such tales, bring a refreshing angle to the tired tropes of the genre. How often do we witness the immortal quandaries of Dracula's errand boy?

Now for the not so shining: the movie delivers a seismic drop-off in appeal if your sole reason for watching is to see Cage embody Dracula. While Cage's portrayal is magnetic, flamboyant, and just what you’d expect from the iconic actor defying normalcy, it also overshadows the film in a way that might make everything else seem lackluster. The plot outside of Cage's charismatic appearances dims the appeal, feeling like you're sifting through uninspired filler till Dracula graces the screen again. It's a cinematic roller-coaster that unfortunately spends too much time in the loading bay than thrilling its passengers.

To encapsulate, "Renfield" clocks in at a middle-of-the-road 5/10. It is the definition of cinematic fast food—delightful in the momentary consumption but potentially forgettable soon after the credits roll. The daytime might not be as bright as one would hope for Renfield's escape from the darkness, but it's not pitch-black either.

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