October 28, 2024

Expend4bles 2023: A Franchise Running Out of Ammo


When a film franchise rolls out its nth installment, there's that dimming hope it'll rekindle the magic of its predecessors or at least not trample over everything that made them memorable. Sadly, "Expend4bles", despite its beefed-up cast and promise of high-octane action, manages to miss the target by a wide mark, landing a disappointing 3/10 on our action-o-meter.

On paper, the mash-up of seasoned action heroes with a sprinkle of fresh faces seems like it would inject new life into the series. However, this cinematic medley feels more like a forced assembly line of caricatures, rather than a well-blended team. The essence of what once made The Expendables a guilty pleasure is now buried under a pile of implausible scenarios and an overdose of action sequences that feel more clumsy than spectacular.

The action, a vital cornerstone for a franchise built on it, comes across as surprisingly uninspired this time around. Instead of the gritty and grounded mayhem that we had come to enjoy, "Expend4bles" delivers a series of disjointed set pieces that lack both tension and coherence. There's an awkward sense of trying too hard to one-up the already extravagant stunts of the past films, leading to sequences that stretch the limits of believability far beyond the breaking point.

But let's talk about the jokes – or, more precisely, the attempts at humor that land with the subtlety of a sledgehammer. One can appreciate a good laugh in the midst of chaos, but the humor here feels as though it's trying futilely to breathe life into scenes that are already devoid of it. Instead of clever quips or situational comedy, we're handed a series of gags that appear out of touch and occasionally cringe-worthy.

"Expend4bles" seems like an exercise in nostalgia gone wrong, where instead of paying homage to the action genre, it ends up poking fun at itself, albeit unintentionally. The new recruits, while boasting undeniable physical prowess, are given little substance to work with, turning them into mere window dressing for the tired antics of their older counterparts.

In conclusion, what could have been an electric continuation of a beloved machismo-fest feels more like the last, labored breaths of a franchise that has run out of steam and now, seemingly, ideas. Stale action, humor that fails to hit the mark, and a general lack of the campy charm that once made The Expendables stand out, render this installment forgettable at best. It might be time to let these guns fall silent.

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