October 28, 2024

Dining on Desperation: "The Platform" and the Hunger for Change – A Review (7/10)

March 28, 2024

In a film landscape often bloated with recycled concepts and sequels, "The Platform" bursts through the monotonous chaff like a ray of dark, twisted innovation. Here lies not just a movie, but a multi-layered philosophical puzzle, packaged within the grim walls of what could only be described as purgatory's cafeteria.

The claustrophobic air of this bleak, bizarre prison immediately shackles viewers' attention. With an indeterminate number of floors and two inmates per level, "The Platform" crafts a social microcosm that is as harrowing as it is simple. A single platform replete with food descends level by level, a testament to human excess at the top and dire scarcity below. It's humanity laid bare, stripped of pretense and plunged into survival's raw, gaping maw.

The tension here is palpable, a living entity in itself. Every moment holds your breath hostage, challenging the viewer to ponder their own moral compass—what would you do, on which level would you thrive, or even, survive? Such psychological pressure cookers are rare, and when they present themselves, they demand our attention, even if it's an uncomfortable gaze we offer. "The Platform" whets your appetite for a conversation about our societal structures, nudging you into uncomfortable yet necessary reflections.

Yet, while the film serves a potent dose of stark reality, it also, perhaps unwittingly, starves us a smidgen. The initial flavor of intrigue that the film's premise promises could very well leave you, by the end, craving more. The chunks of backstory and character development are mere morsels, ultimately leaving the feast of narrative depth somewhat unfinished. Perhaps, like its subjects, the viewers must ration the sustenance of story and gnaw on the gristle of implications.

The portrayal of humanity here is nothing short of a gut punch. The raw, sometimes grotesque display of human nature, stripped of society's finery, prowls through the narrative, feral and untamed. We're given a ringside seat to the inhumane brawl for survival, a brutally honest lens seldom found in mainstream cinema. The solidarity that could emerge from mutual suffering, an oasis in the desert of competition, flickers intermittently, illuminating the potential for human compassion in even the darkest of places.

In all its social commentary and allegorical richness, "The Platform" earns its stripes by not flinching away from the darker corners of its created world. It is raw, provocative, and daring—an unsettling look in the mirror that poses questions without the comfort of provided answers.

So, grip your seat, steel your stomach, and brace for a dive into the unnervingly imaginable. "The Platform" earns its 7 out of 10, not just for the societal allegory it deftly serves but for provoking a hunger that extends beyond the screen—a craving for understanding, for debate, and ultimately, for change. It's good to see a film that doesn't just entertain but stirs the pot of complacency with a sharp stick. After all, isn't that what thought-provoking cinema should do?

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