October 28, 2024

A Turkey Day Terror With A Side Of Predictable Surprises: 'Thanksgiving 2023' Serves Up Solid Scares

March 19, 2024

As the leaves turn brown and the air gets that unmistakable chill, it's clear that the holiday season is upon us. And with it comes an array of themed films that try to tap into the spirit - or in the case of "Thanksgiving 2023," the ghoulish misdeeds - of the times. Set against the backdrop of picturesque Plymouth, Massachusetts, this film marries tradition with trepidation, weaving a tale that's as familiar as grandma's pumpkin pie but with a dollop of fresh, albeit predictable, delights for the seasoned horror aficionado.

At the heart of this holiday horror is a Black Friday riot turned deadly—a premise that, while timely and reflective of the consumer madness the day is known for, isn't entirely original. But here's where the film takes an interesting left turn: out of this chaos emerges a killer draped in the lore of Thanksgiving itself. This eerie antagonist, dishing out their own brand of macabre justice, stalks the historic streets of Plymouth, instantly turning a place of pilgrimage into a playground for the macabre.

What "Thanksgiving 2023" does well is hammer home the atmospheric tensions. Plymouth, as the birthplace of the Thanksgiving holiday, is ripe for such a narrative, filled with enough historical subtext to make every shadow and whispered breeze feel like a precursor to something sinister. The setting is a character in itself, imbued with an almost palpable sense of dread that compensates for the plot's lean towards the expected twists and turns.

The film also winks at its audience with tropes they know and love, veering into the non-predictable predictability that aficionados of the genre will appreciate. The film doesn't venture far from the path tread by other holiday slashers, but its self-awareness saves it from feeling stale. Instead, it's a comfortable ride through terror town—exciting and familiar like a roller coaster you've ridden before but still scream on every time.

The performances are sturdy with actors delivering lines that toe the line between campy and gripping. As horror fans know, this balance is crucial, and "Thanksgiving 2023" strikes it with a sure hand. Characters are penned with enough depth to prevent them from becoming mere fodder for the killer's wrath; even if their fates seem sealed from their first appearance, you might find yourself rooting for one or two to make it to the final frame.

Where the film stutters slightly is in its reliance on well-worn genre clichés without always injecting enough fresh blood to keep them invigorating. The killer, while chilling in their pilgrim-esque motif, sometimes feels like an opportunity missed for deeper, more nuanced mythology. Additionally, the pacing can feel off, with some moments lingering too long while others rush by, leaving character development and plot points slightly undercooked.

However, as the credits roll, "Thanksgiving 2023" manages to leave its mark as a competent entry in the holiday horror subgenre, garnishing its traditional thrills with just enough originality to stand out from the crowd. It's a solid, by-the-numbers slasher fest that doesn’t reinvent the carving knife but knows how to wield it with a skilled hand, ensuring that audiences get their recommended annual intake of scares.

In summary, "Thanksgiving 2023" is a film with a serving of horror staples seasoned with familiar tropes and hints of novelty. It's not the most groundbreaking fare, and the stuffing might be made from a mix, but it's well-prepared comfort food for those looking to spice up their holiday film feast. In the potluck of Thanksgiving movies, this one earns a solid 7/10—a dish best enjoyed with a side of suspension of disbelief and a hunger for holiday horror.

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